2009 News Archive

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Great Lakes Maritime Workshop for Teachers Through Michigan Technological University, Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (C-FIRE) co-sponsored a 2-day Great Lakes Maritime Workshop for Teachers at the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum and Whitefish Point Light Station, in Michigan, on November 5-6, 2010. The workshop explored the historical and modern aspects of Great Lakes shipping

$750,000 Clean Diesel Initiative Grant Awarded GLMRI and Key Lakes I, Inc., are partners in the project that will significantly reduce the air emissions for the M/V Edwin H. Gott and help improve the air quality in the Great Lakes region particularly in non-attainment areas where the vessel operates. The EPA grant will leverage more than $14 million of private investment supporting employment in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Read the Press Release Handout and full details about the project.

GLMRI Sponsors Summer Maritime Education Workshop Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (C-FIRE) are co-sponsoring Joan Chadde’s workshops through Michigan Technological University for K-12 teachers to learn about shipping and commerce on the Great Lakes. This is her fourth offering of the programs, and she’s taken on a new focus. This summer’s program will center in Toledo, Ohio, and focus on the lower Lakes (June 21-25, 2010). Also this summer, there is a separate program at Houghton, MI for teachers to learn about navigation (June 28 – July 2, 2010). Check here for further information and registration forms.

GLMRI Hosts Fall Meetings Over Sep 23-25, 2009, the GLMRI Advisory Board met in Superior, WI, with a day and a half venue of research presentations by the project principal investigators and affiliate universities. A highlight this year was a guest presentation by Dr. Sandra Knight who chairs the Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) Action Team for Research and Development.

$950,000 for the Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute (March 11, 2009) $950,000 for the Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute is included in the budget signed by the President. The funds are intended to continue an authorized project to develop and improve economically and environmentally sustainable maritime commerce on the Great Lakes through applied research at institutions throughout the region, including Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, New York, Minnesota and Wisconsin. GLMRI was designated by George Bush’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) as one of 8 National Maritime Enhancement Institutes in June 2005. Its work is overseen by an advisory board that includes MARAD, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard and the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, Great Lakes ports and shippers.

GLMRI released a summary report of a compilation of its accomplishments since GLMRI first received funding and designation as a National Maritime Enhancement Institute in June 2005. In this short time, the Institute has brought in 10 universities around the Great Lakes region that support research in developing maritime commence, in addition to the 2 host universities.

Check out the new links.  UW-Superior student researcher Matt McCahan developed a bibliography resource for short sea shipping issues and opportunities on the Great Lakes. Also, we have added a link to the January 2009 MARAD report, "America’s Ports and Intermodal Transportation System" which focuses on container port and terminal requirements, based on projected increases in international trade. Specifically, this document identifies key system-wide findings and challenges in the vital strategic areas of end-to-end freight shipments, water access, landside access and interstate rail and highways with port and terminals as the nexus. The report also discusses significant institutional challenges, including governance, the role of private industry, financing the transportation system, and infrastructure development.

Dr. Parson’s Ballast–Free Ship Design is in the news. The University of Michigan Public Relations Department has prepared a video of the testing ship model. See the details and access the video at: http://www.ns.umich.edu/htdocs/releases/story.php?id=6427

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Inland Waterways LNG Stakeholders Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri

The Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute (GLMRI) in conjunction with and support from the Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation, hosted a meeting of stakeholders to discuss the possibilities of using Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a marine fuel for the inland waterways".

Third annual meeting on regional Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) potential held May 21st

LNG experts discussed LNG uses and the safety culture along with their experiences as current users. The afternoon panel highlighted the potential benefits of using LNG, themed "greening the supply chain". More details here.

Meeting to Discuss Base Local Demand and Siting for an LNG Liquefaction Plant

Potential LNG fuel users from mining, agricultural, trucking, rail and maritime sectors met to determine if there is sufficient base load demand within a 200 mile region to warrant development of an LNG liquefaction and fuel transport, storage and distribution network centered in Duluth/Superior. Work continues to consider siting and determine supply chain demand. Presentations from the meeting

Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Meeting Highlights

The SNAME Section meeting was held on Feb. 13-14 in conjunction with the Great Lakes Waterways Conference in Clevelandl. Read meeting highlights here